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Best Massage in Cincinnati---Specializing in barefoot deep tissue massage
Monday, October 08 2007

We've had a lot of questions about the Ashiatsu portable bars. What are they good for (or why would I want them)? What are the ashiatsu bar dimensions? Are they really portable?

The healing power of heels is now truly portable. After initial ashiatsu training in our professional training program, our grads can purchase the portable bars to demonstrate deep compression and effleurage in a variety of settings. Many ashiatsu therapists who have trained in our adaptation of the ancient shiatsu technique have had great press with their portable bars. They have taken them to Chamber of Commerce events, sporting events such as GOBA (Great Ohio Bike Adventure), car dealerships, beaches, pools and more. In fact, at the national AMTA convention in Nashville, TN a few years ago, I was the only therapist featured in the local newspaper for the entire event. Was it was because I was the best therapist at the convention? No--it was because the portable bars are such an eye catcher and photograph well.

The dimensions of the portable bars are impressive-at 7'11' high, they are 6' long and about 5 1/2 feet wide. They weigh about 75 lbs and can be set up in about 20 minutes. The Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy bars cost $999 and are available to graduates of our ashiatsu training program. Shipping and packing charges are added to the cost (they are shipped from Denver). As the commercial may say, "on your MasterCard, about $1100. Marketing effects: priceless!"

Posted by: Mary-Claire AT 11:12 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
    Learn barefoot massage in our massage CE classes. Deep tissue ashiatsu barefoot massage training.

    Best deep tissue barefoot massage in Cincinnati. 

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